Case & Law Solicitors

Case & Law Solicitors



Medication Errors

Elderly people are particularly vulnerable to the effects of being prescribed or administered with the wrong medication. Care homes should have a system of to ensure the correct medication is regularly being administered by carers and that accurate records are being kept. When there is a failure by a carer to which causes injury or harm to an individual a case for compensation can be brought against the care home.

Pressure Sores

Pressure sores can be extremely serious and extremely painful. They take a long time to heal and, if left untreated, could lead to fatal consequences. Those most at risk of developing sores are patients whose illness reduces their mobility. Most commonly, this happens can happen in care homes as well as hospitals.

Although pressure sores may still develop despite good nursing care, in many cases the development of pressure sores could have been avoided if a risk assessment had been carried out and the appropriate provisions put in place. Such duties include:

• Bathing the patient correctly
• Performing routine checks of patients who are known to be at risk of developing pressure sores, including looking for darkened areas of skin which suggests a sore may develop.
• Repositioning the patient regularly.
• Providing adequate beds.
• Evaluating the patient’s pressure points and correctly distributing their weight
• Advising the patient, family and careers on pressure sores and how to deal with them.

Falls & Handling

The careless handling of elderly people in a care home can cause serious and long-term implications. A fall can have significant consequences for the injured person. Most accidents in care homes are avoidable if the proper care and appropriate mobility aids are available.

For advice and further information please contact our Negligence team on 020 8826 1203 / 020 8826 2273 or email us at Alternatively, you can fill out the contact form below to arrange for a call back from one of our specialists.